
ORConvention 2021

Operation Research is one of the main focuses of an Industrial Engineer. According to Columbia University in the City of New York, Operations Research is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with quantitative decision-making problems involving the allocation and control of restricted resources.

As I experience dealing with Operation Research during my 3rd year in college, it was not that easy to cope with mathematics and software. But it was a challenge for me to improve my skill not only in school but also in simplifying complicated data.

ORCon21 Updated Pubmat

Operation Research deals with optimization as what PIIE-ORSP QCU SC wanted to do is to optimize the capacity of their participant in their upcoming event which is the ORConvention 2021. It is a 2-day event, where in day 1 is informative way of learning thru webinar while day 2 focuses on participant on active participation thru workshop.

Here are the following guest speakers that will totally help the participant, especially industrial engineering student, on optimizing their knowledge on Operation Research;
Dr. Jayne Lois G. San Juan, Current Assistant Professor in Industrial
Engineering Department at De La Salle University
Engr. Joshua I.L. Palisoc, Chief Operation Officer at Ask Lex PH Academy
Dr. Philip P. Ermita, Professional Industrial Engineer and an ASEAN Engineer
Engr. Ruel M. Tuan, PMO Assistant and SR. Project Planner at Fibernet Konstrukt Corp
Engr. Eldrick M. Fonollera, Industrial Enginering Instructor at Quezon City University

Their line up really is a heads up and will truly unleashed the potential of the participants to learn and optimize their capabilities. It is really an exciting event headed by the Vice President for Activities of PIIE-ORSP QCU SC, Ms. Vian Ellery Montenegro.

Iโ€™m looking forward to the success of this event. And Iโ€™m confident on what will the participant gain in this event. Iโ€™m sure youโ€™re quite interested and curious. You can contact them through their social media accounts:

Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ORConvention
Email: piieqcpu@gmail.com

You can also follow their following socials:
ORConvention Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/ORConvention
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/piieorspqcu
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/piieorspqcu/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/piieorspqcu