OMG! So, THIS Is What The Song “Asereje” Meant All Along!

If you were at least above the age of four in 2002, then chances are you may remember the hit Spanish song “Asereje” by the girl group, Las Ketchup!

“Asereje” took the world by STORM, including the Philippines with the addictive dance steps to the chorus.

And while many of us don’t speak the Spanish language to even understand ALL of the song’s lyrics, you may have experienced Googling the word “Asereje” at one point just to see what it means, only to come up with… nothing. Perhaps you’ve even taken a Spanish class and know the basics of the language, only to end up dumbfounded.

For the record, here are the actual lyrics to the chorus:

Aserejé, ja deje tejebe tude jebere
Sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí
Sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí
Sebiunouba majabi an de bugui an de buididipí

Maybe this is what led some people to spread the crazy rumor that the song actually had Satanic undertones — if you were a kid in school then, you were probably even banned from dancing or playing the song at one point! (This, of course has been debunked since.)

According to this Spanish Twitter thread, THIS is what the song’s chorus means all along.

So basically, the first part of the song talks about a guy named Diego, who goes to the club and finds it packed with people, yet proceeds to dance anyway because his favorite song is on. Remember, the part before the chorus goes, “Y la baila, y la goza, y la canta…” (And he dances, he enjoys, he sings…)

But what DOES he sing?

It’s “Rapper’s Delight” by Sugar Hill, and the chorus goes like this, by the way:

I said a hip hop
Hippie to the hippie
The hip, hip a hop, and you don’t stop, a rock it out
Bubba to the bang bang boogie, boobie to the boogie
To the rhythm of the boogie the beat

So let’s stop with the devil rumors, shall we?

Thoughts on this? Have you known this before?