Yes, you’re reading that headline right.
McDonald’s just launched a new limited-edition burger that fuses together chunky Spam slices and Oreo cookie crumbs topped with mayonnaise and held together with a sesame bun.
This odd burger creation is only available in China as part of a series of “members only” promotions, with only 400,000 of them to be sold to curious folk. Since it was revealed online, the burger has garnered mixed reviews — some saying that it’s “just okay” while a few actually admitted that it was “delicious.”
Many, however, criticized the fast-food giant, saying that it didn’t need to release such “unnecessary” products.
(ALSO READ: Here’s the Scoop: The Sundaes From McDonald’s Now Come in Pints)
But what are your thoughts on this? Would you try it if you ever get the chance to? Or would you try and replicate it at home? Let us know in the comments!
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