La Vie: Life Begins at Forty, The UP ABM Homecoming Ball



The University of the Philippines Association of Biology Majors (UP ABM) is a socio-civic organization that aims to promote academic, social, and moral development among its members and serve the community through free UPCAT tutorials, and circumcision & medical missions.

In celebration of its 40th year, UP ABM is set to commemorate its legacy and vibrant history with an Alumni Homecoming Ball on November 29, 2015.

Attached is the event poster. The press release for the event is as follows:

“”You see, the best things in life grow sweeter as the years roll on.”

The University of the Philippines Association of Biology Majors invites all its alumni to La Vie: Life Begins at 40 – The Grand Alumni Homecoming Ball, In celebration of our 40th founding anniversary on November 29, 2015, at the Acropolis Clubhouse, Libis, Quezon City.

Registration starts at 5PM.
Look us up on facebook for more details.

UP ABM. Forty years of celebrating life.

In cooperation with The Palawan Bank and Mr. & Mrs. Tony Silos.