
Kontra: The Alternative Film Project

Kontra: The Alternative Film Project POSTER PORTRAIT


Kontra: The Alternative Film Project is a mini film competition that was established by UP Cinema in 2010, a university-wide student film organization based in UP Diliman. Kontra aims to provide alternative means of the study of film outside the standard classroom experience, to develop the creativity of aspiring filmmakers, and to develop and to learn from a relationship with other film enthusiasts from other colleges and universities.

Since 2010, Kontra continues to dare student filmmakers to create films that involve three key ingredients within the duration of one week.

It gathers student filmmakers and film enthusiasts who share the passion of filmmaking and has been a venue for channeling their creativity by accepting this challenge.

Every year, finalists compete for Best Film, Most Creative Use of Ingredients and Audience Choice Award.

These finalists will be screened and critiqued by a set of judges on May 23, 2014, 6PM onwards, at Genre Bar, Cubao X with the awarding ceremony right after.

Kontra: The Alternative Film Project 2014 is presented by U.

P. Cinema in partnership with Belle de Jour Power Planners. This event is also brought to you by Jazz Fabrication Hub with official media partners ClickTheCity.com and WhenInManila.com.

For ticket inquiries, kindly contact Cleverlyn Mayuga at 0916-587-4839 or Gerry Gaviola at 0927-458-9397. Stay updated through the official Kontra Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/UPCinemaKontra

Kontra: The Alternative Film Project