A 411 on How to Make Your Very Own Bath Bombs

7. Next up? The wet ingredients! Put oil in a separate cup.

Approximately half a cup of sweet almond oil is enough.

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8. Add Polyserbate 80 and bubble gum scent. Mix!

Add one tablespoon of each o=in the container with the oil. You may also play around and customize your scent if you want (we added one tablespoon of cotton candy besides the bubble gum scent base).

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9. Mix the wet and dry ingredients together.

When mixing the ingredients, you have to be careful and slow, so as not to activate the citric acid. When you’ve reached a consistency quite like wet sand, stop.

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Pro tip #2: When you feel like your wet ingredient isn’t enough, you may spray some witch hazel as a substitute. However, you have to act twice as fast because it activates quickly and reacts with the dry ones.

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Pro tip #3: A mixture that’s too wet will immediately activate. When it’s too dry, it won’t form and will most likely crack.

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10. Put it into the mold.

Bath bomb molds are hard to come by. Some of them are ordered and shipped from the West and they cost a lot, but a perfect alternative would be our very own clear Christmas ball molds, which you can find at every department store or decor shop.

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When filling them up, make sure that you press lightly at first. Then, once the mold is full, press harder to compress the ingredients and pray that they will stick.

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11. Let it stay overnight.

Once you’re out of ingredients, but are left with tons of bath bombs, congratulations! Let them stay overnight to completely harden.

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Here’s a summary of all of the steps above:


Pro tip #5: If you’ve got no time to make your own bath bombs, you may simply order them from The Soapranos. Make sure to check out all of their other products, as well!

So, what are you waiting for? Test out these awesome bath bombs now!

The Soapranos

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