How Much We Have Loved UP SHARP’s “The Chocolate Buffet”

The Verdict

At the end of the night, score cards are distributed to rate everything served. It’s really a great pleasure to do so.


chocobuffet-23the score card!




I understand that it will never be easy to judge a situation like this. Dude,  I know its hard but keep going.



All desserts are winners, but here’s Our Top 3 Favorites!

Julius and I compared our chosen top 3 desserts and surprisingly, we have exactly the same!

3rd favorite:





Furutsu Basuketto(Fruit Basket- Fruit Pavlova)


2nd Favorite:





Numa No Hyozan (Iceberg of Swamp- Coffee Jelly with Whipped Cream)


Most favorite:





Kyoto Bananakurepu (Banana Cinnamon Crepe with Caramel or Chocolate Topping) 


When In Manila, it was an awesome night, and we ended it by thanking our very kind and friendly maid that served the best! Indeed, UP SHARPS’s The Chocolate Buffet is an event that everyone should look forward!



 Meet Sarah, our best serving maid for the evening.




Arigatou gozaimasu UP SHARP!!



You might be interested on what’s up with the next Chocolate Buffet by UP SHARP.

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How Much We Have Loved UP SHARP’s “The Chocolate Buffet”