Holy Crab: Seafood Heaven in the South!



Holy Crab Seafood Heaven

Sizzling Salted Duck Egg and Grilled Pork Sisig (Php220)


To start, we had this deliciously different take on sisig. It has just the right amount of spice, but the salted egg adds a new twist to it like no other sisig I’ve tasted before. Definitely a great appetiser, though you can also order it at night with a few beers if you want.

After that, it was time to dig into the seafood goodness! But before that, we suited up with plastic gloves and the Holy Crab seafood bib to keep the sauce splatters and seafood smelliness at bay.


Holy Crab Seafood Heaven

Ready to get my crab on!


I don’t know about you, but when I eat seafood, I prefer to get down and dirty with my hands. If you aren’t comfortable with that; they do have forks, spoons and crab claw cutters for your comfort and convenience. However, I would highly recommend the gloves because they are an integral part of the whole Holy Crab experience in my opinion!

When eating at Holy Crab, you basically have several options. You can get shrimps, crabs, local mussels or a hodgepodge of all of them at once. You can also choose between Aye! Caramba! sauce, Bali Coco sauce, or Garlicky Lime and Salted Egg sauce. Just mix, match and choose according to your innermost seafood and saucy desires! You can even choose your level of spice from Wimpy (Mild) to Wow (Regular) to Wild (Hot).


Holy Crab Seafood Heaven

Crab per 100 grams (Php145)


The crabs at Holy Crab are very meaty and we paired it with the flavourful Garlicky Lime sauce. Delicious! Despite using your hands, you will still need to use the crab cutter to get all of the meat out of this baby, though.


Holy Crab Seafood Heaven

Shrimp per pound (Php500)


The shrimps in Wild Aye! Caramba! sauce were my favorite because I absolutely LOVE spicy food. The sauce of this one in itself was already enough to make my tummy happy. Even if you run out of shrimps, just pour the sauce on plain rice and you’ll be happy as a clam!


Holy Crab Seafood Heaven

Local Mussels (Php330)


If you’re more of a gate person, you’ll love getting a taste of the Pacific through their Bali Coco sauce, which is a mix of coconut milk, lemongrass, miso and homemade shrimp paste. Their mussels are addicting, too. Even though we were already so full by the end of the meal, we found ourselves munching on this bucket of mussels until we ate them all.


Holy Crab Seafood Heaven

Holy Crab! Catch (Php 650)