
Bounce Back Global Movement Aims to Help Businesses Bounce Back Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many countries have been hit by COVID-19. While some were hit harder compared to others, it is clear that it has extensively shaken the world’s economy. Every single business, is affected because of the lockdown that each government has implemented to decrease the spread of the coronavirus.

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Here in the Philippines, a group under the appellation Bounce Back PH (now Bounce Back Global Movement) has foreseen the impact on businesses early on. Founder Jason Dela Rosa – also a veteran entrepreneur, mentor, and author of the book ‘The Practical Entrepreneur’ and ‘Bounce Back: The Entrepreneur in Crisis’ – gathered the best entrepreneurs, professionals and business owners to serve as a think tank to strategically develop solutions and collaborate to help endure the COVID-19 crisis and recover after it.


Jason Dela Rosa – Founder

Unexpectedly, Bounce Back PH transformed from a simple group on social media to a powerful movement. In just a few weeks, the group now has over 42,000 members with regional and global sub-groups that include leading industry experts such as RJ Ledesma of Easy Franchise, Rocky Chan, Sam Jacoba, Gelix Mercader and Nato Agbayani of The Practical Learning Company, Jeff Catimbang, and Andrew John Smith of the Maharlika Group of Companies, to name a few.

Bounce Back PH is a movement that aims to support businesses in all industries through the country. It focuses more on MSMEs who have been deeply affected by the ongoing quarantine. Companies of different scales collaborate and share ideas to help build one another. Industry leaders help through scheduled online mentorships, job matching, consultancies, collaborations, forums, and discussions.

Live sessions are hosted by experts and generous organizations such as Easy Franchise, The Practical Learning Company, Association of Filipino Franchisers Inc. (AFFI), GoNegosyo, and many others. Relevant articles, best practices, and connections via group chats and Zoom meetings in breakout sessions are shared. Focus group discussions are also hosted to get the sentiments of people through Bounce Back Conversations.

The group was fundamentally created for a specific cause, though: to help MSMEs bounce back from this debilitating crisis. Bounce Back PH formed a task force to brainstorm and formulate a customizable practical framework to provide faster and
smarter solutions. It is also gearing up to become an organization equipped with resources, connections, and know-hows in rescuing and helping businesses recover from an economic crisis. Through the Practical Learning Company, the group will also launch the Bounce Back Academy, which will feature 100% FREE learning that will solicit donations to fund SME business continuity programs.

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My Company CreatiVoices supports BOUNCEBACK PH by donating our Voices to all Baranggay COVID -19 related Public Service Annoucement

Bounce Back PH also recognizes the basic needs during the ECQ. Since “bayanihan” is still alive in our country, it provides an avenue for entrepreneurs to use their networks and resources to support our frontliners by collating donations in the form of cash, goods, PPEs, sanitizers, and face / surgical masks, as well as offering food relief projects for communities.

More than the business aspect, Bounce Back aspires to be a message of hope to our kababayans. As one country, we will rise above this global crisis together.

Bounce Back PH

To join the group, visit: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BounceBackPH

To donate, click here: https://justpay.to/bouncebackph

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