Ai Ai Delas Alas Resigns as Ex-Battalion’s Manager

Ai Ai Delas Alas has revealed that she will no longer be working with Pinoy hip-hop group Ex-Battalion.

Ai Ai Delas Alas with Ex Battalion


During a press conference she held on May 15, she tearfully said that her experience managing Ex-Battalion had been nothing but stress. According to the actress, her patience has run thin after repeated incidents of the band’s “unprofessionalism.” Some of the instances she mentioned include some band members failing to appear at a scheduled provincial show due to personal reasons, accepting shows without her knowledge and approval, and allegedly getting into a fight with rapper Makagago.

She also expressed frustration over the band skipping a senatorial candidate’s miting de avance because they wanted to get paid more. She added that they constantly disrespected her and their road managers, and refused to do as they were told.

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Delas Alas first started working with Ex-Battalion in March 2018. She said that she believed they were talented but were in need of proper guidance, which is why she agreed to help them. She had already thought about quitting before but decided against it knowing that she had signed a contract with Viva for Sons of Nanay Sabel, a film she was going to star in together with the group.

It seems that this time, however, she is permanently putting her foot down.

Do you think Ai-Ai Delas Alas made the right decision?