
A Carnapping Victim Asks To Keep An Eye Out for Her Black Mazda Pickup

Carnapping in BF Homes

One of the prized possessions a person can have is a car. Obviously, a car is relatively pricey and is used either for business or personal use. Either way, it is an item that everyone treats as a treasure ย โ€“ย especially to carnappers.

We haven’t even moved on in the recent carnapping incident, wherein a lady allegedly stealing cars, another incident of carnapping has been reported inside a prestigious village in the South.

Carnapping in BF

According to the victim named Sittie Ryza Di, ย their black Mazda 2010 BT50, with plate PZQ 308ย was stolen last January 15, 2016, at around 3 in the morning.

Carnapping in BF

The incident happened inside the victim’s driveway at Sector 10 in BF Paranaque. She further narrates in her post that the vehicle was last seen at around 3:03 AM.

She wrote: “It waited for a few minutes at the corner of the gatehouse. After 2 minutes, a Toyota Innova waited for a few seconds at the corner of Aguirre ave and dela Rama street, and they left together.”

Also, according to the victim, the carnappers stole their 40-inch Devant LED TV, an iPhone 4, 2 rubber shoes and a Nike backpack.

BF Carnapping Incident

As per the victim, they just recently moved in about 2 weeks ago.

Unfortunately, the village’s Closed-Circuit Television or CCTV isn’t as clear as they expected to be.

BF Carnapping incident

A screenshot by the victim. She claims this to be as the alleged suspect riding a Toyota Innova.

Read the full story below:

Guys, I need your help. please share!!!!

Last Jan 15, 3am our black 2010 Mazda bt50 (PZQ 308) was carnapped from our home in Governor Santos street, Bayanihan village, BF Pque.

The car was last seen in the crappiest CCTV in the world ( Sector 10, BF pque) at around 3:03 am. It waited for a few minutes at the corner of the gatehouse. After 2 minutes, a Toyota Innova waited for a few seconds at the corner of Aguirre ave and dela Rama street, and they left together.

The carnappers went in our house through our kitchen Windows and saw the key of our car in our kitchen. They also stole a 40 inch Devant LED tv, an iPhone 4, 2 rubber shoes and a Nike backpack.

If you are living in BF, make sure you are extra vigilant as our guards (even if we live in exclusive subdivisions inside BF) are useless! Imagine at 3am, the boom in our gate house was left unattended. Due to this, anyone can just go out and inside of our village! Plus, why did they even install CCTVs when they can’t even see the plate numbers and the face of the drivers!!! Useless!!! Apart from this, almost all houses in our village that has CCTVs has been a victim of these akyat bahays for the last 2 years!! Please be careful.

I hope you can share this post so maybe, just maybe, someone might have seen our pick up car and report to us. This car is used for our business and is the livelihood of our family. I hope you can help me and my family simply by sharing this to your FB.

Thank you! Appreciate your help.


Closed Circuit Television Cameras are becoming popular and if high resolution, can help solve crimes such as carnapping. In fact, other municipalities such as Makati City requires ALL business establishments must have CCTVs installed for their safety. However, in a known and relatively prestigious village, the more you need to have a reliable CCTV.

If you have any further information or you happen to see the vehicle, kindly coordinate with Sittie Ryzza Di here.

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