Guy Dumps Beer on Woman for Rejecting Him – Watch What Happens

How would you react if someone dumped beer on you? That’s exactly what happened when Pareploy Saeaia rejected a man’s request to “cheers” with him. Five minutes after refusing to clink glasses, the man randomly approached her and poured beer on her. Watch the video of the incident



What the man might not have expected, however, was that the woman would fight back. In her Facebook post, she says, “If this happens to other women, they might choose not to respond. The guy’s choosing the wrong person because I’m a boxer.” As seen in the video, Pareploy chases the man, shouts at him, and starts throwing punches and kicks. Her friends try to stop the fight, though the man seems to be completely unfazed by the situation.

Both parties were later taken to a police station where they each paid went to the Huai Khwang Police Station where they were each fined 1,000 baht (around Php1,500).

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