INSPIRING: This tricycle driver reminds us of how easy it is to be kind

We often get so caught up in our own lives and problems that we block out the people around us. A side-effect of that is being unaware of how we treat those people in our periphery. We might not be doing any harm, but we also forget how easy it is to do some good.

A simple smile towards the strangers you encounter could easily brighten up their day.

Holding the door open for someone, or sharing your umbrella could mean the world to someone. But we probably won’t do it. This tricycle driver from Tayabas City reminds us that we just have to take a step away from our own heads to remember others.

This was originally posted on Reddit to praise the Tricycle driver for the small acts of kindness he goes out of his way to perform. Whoever he is, we can guess he might not have the most but he still finds a way to give back to others. On his tricycle, he has a hanging jar of candy for “happy passengers” and free mineral water for anyone thirsty.

He also has a sign to say that your ride is free if one of the following applies: (1) It’s your birthday, (2) You are 7-9 months pregnant, (3) You have your Electric Bill with you, (4) You are a hospital patient, (5) Your slippers are green, (6) You have no teeth, and (7) You don’t have money to pay.

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Several commenters worried that passengers would abuse this generosity and that’s valid. But I hope that an act of kindness like this is more likely to incite other acts of kindness. He also has a sign posted with a quote of Oprah Winfrey stating: “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.”

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We always compare ourselves to those who have more and forget that we still have the capacity to help others. It only takes a little effort to think about someone else. Hopefully, the passengers who encounter this man or even see this story is inspired to take this same mindset.

(INSPIRING: Filipino Harvard law graduate dedicates his career to pro-bono legal work for the poor)

Do you have your own inspiring stories to tell? Share them with us in the comments!Â