#Leadership: Simple Tips in Becoming the Leaders of Tomorrow

millennial leadership

According to a recent study, 15% of the 1 billion full-time workers are engaged to work. Hence, only 1 out of 8 people are psychologically committed to work. In the Philippines, 29% are engaged to work while 63% are not engaged and 8% are actively disengaged.

To improve this, there should be a paradigm shift in leadership. To continue improving this, good millennial leaders should be found and honed.

For starters, we take a look at the big 6 change imperatives. These are the things that should change in order to create better leaders of tomorrow. Instead of having “command and control” leaders, you can have flexible leaders who will define success for your organization.

1. My Paycheck -> My Purpose

It is important to have a mission statement so employees who will someday become leaders of the organization can have a goal. Then, instead of simply working to earn money, they will understand their impact and value to the group and the world.

2. My Satisfaction -> My Development

High-performance people want to stay challenged. Hence, instead of being satisfied with what they do, they continuously find ways to improve themselves. Your organization should be a breeding ground for people like this. Instead of providing satisfaction, the environment should invite people to continuously improve for the better.

3. My Boss -> My Goals

Change from being a know-it-all boss to a performance coach who drives the young ones to do a better job.

4. My Annual Review -> My Ongoing Conversation

Instead of sticking to annual reviews of their performance, keep the conversation going such that they will want to “level up” regardless of time frame. Let them feel that feedbacks are welcome to attain success.

5. My Weaknesses -> My Strengths

Learn to leverage your strengths instead of wasting time improving your weakness. Focus more on what you are good at because it is inefficient to try to change something you are bad at instead of putting more efforts to be better on the things that you are already good at.

6. My Job -> My Life

Millennials who align their life’s purpose to their jobs tend to stay longer. If they feel that what they are doing are more of a job than something meaningful, they will most likely leave.

Note: These are the key learnings from Mondo Castro, Certified John Maxwell Trainer, about Bridging Leadership Strength: Becoming the Leader of Tomorrow during the Emerging Leaders Summit.