Filipinos Outraged Over Racist Hong Kong Textbook Branding Pinoys as Domestic Helpers

Filipinos Outraged Over Racist Hong Kong Textbook Branding Pinoys as Domestic Helpers


Here’s a photo that has been circulating all over the internet about a Hong Kong Primary School Textbook which caused outrage among Filipinos all over the world.

As you can see, in this “Fill In The Blanks” activity entitled Racial Harmony, it showcases people introducing their country of origin as well as what they do. Filipinos in general however were very upset with what was written in #2. 

It is true however that most Filipinos who work in Hong Kong are domestic helpers that’s why most Hong Kong citizens see Filipinos as such, but is it right for other cultures to brand all Filipinos as maids and helpers?



Were you offended by this as well? We’d love to read your comments.




Filipinos Outraged Over Racist Hong Kong Textbook Branding Pinoys as Domestic Helpers