Nurture Run 2014 Moved to May 18, 2014

Nurture Run 2014 Moved to May 18, 2014


A lot of runners have expressed their concerns regarding the run’s proximity to the Lenten season and Holy Week, proving it difficult to train and prepare for the race while actively taking part in traditional Lenten practices of fasting and abstinence.


In response, we have set the event the weekend after Mother’s Day, May 18. “We find that hosting an event intended to empower women and mothers would be best held on a month that commemorates the women in our lives.Hope that we see you on May 18 and help us make this initiative meaningful.” explains Iza Abeja, BBB’s Executive Director. The venue will be announced as soon as we finalize the details.


For questions and inquiries, please contact (02)585-9410 or (02)904-6902.




bbb map 3k


bbb map 5k

To know more about Nurture Run 2014, visit:



Nurture Run 2014 Moved to May 18, 2014