7 Ways to Feel Happy Without Taking Drugs

Drugs like MDMA or Ecstasy have existed as early as the ’80s because of the rise of dance parties, raves, and electronic dance music, but it has only recently become a national issue when five people died after they allegedly took it at a music festival earlier this month.

The drug is popular because it can induce feelings of euphoria, emotional warmth, and decreased anxiety. MDMA works by increasing the neurotransmitters serotonin, which control moods. However, MDMA use can lead to anxiety, aggressiveness, significant reductions in mental abilities, and dangerous effects like heart and kidney failure, high blood pressure, and seizures. And it is a scary epidemic. According to the Dangerous Drugs Board (DDB), it is one of the most abused substances in the Philippines.

You don’t need drugs to be happy. There are many activities that can get you “high” and release serotonin without actually having to take MDMA. Below are  seven examples:

7 Ways to Feel Happy Without Taking Drugs

1. Laugh

Laughing has a string of benefits, including decreasing the risk of heart disease, stress, and depression. Scientifically, laughing can increase the production of serotonin and endorphins, known as the happy hormone. Simply watch a funny movie or hang out with friends. Laughing is contagious so if one breaks out in laughter, expect the rest to follow.


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2. Meditate

Meditation is another activity you can do to naturally increase your serotonin levels. Simply sit and focus on your breathing, making sure it is deep and slow. Meditation helps you keep your mind still, and at the same time tap into your subconscious to heal yourself. It can reduce stress, and maintain cardiovascular and immune health.


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3. Get a massage

Studies say that getting a massage can increase serotonin and decrease cortisol, the stress hormone. Apparently, this is the reason why we feel happy and sleepy after a massage. A massage makes us feel good physically and mentally, so it’s time to get one!


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4. Exercise

Exercise, no matter how light, can increase serotonin production. You can work out from 15 to 30 minutes and feel the happy hormones coursing through your body. The beauty of exercise is that there’s many of them: from the simple brisk walk to the more complicated routine at the gym. Work out at your own pace and instantly feel the benefits.


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5. Go dancing!

It has been found that dancers have higher levels of serotonin than non-dancers. Studies also suggest that our prehistoric ancestors used dance to communicate, which reflects a DNA study where dancers were found to be good communicators. Another study shows that babies were born to dance, but that those with symmetrical bodies are better. But hey, the point is to get a high, right? Dancing skills not necessary.

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6. Do yoga

Yoga is mostly known stretching the body to make you flexible, but one of its key effects is serotonin production. Yoga helps fight depression by reducing cortisol, which explains the lightness we feel after a particularly good stretch. Other yoga benefits include muscle strength and tone, energy and vitality, weight reduction, and cardiovascular and circulatory health.

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7. Think happy thoughts

Who knew thinking happy thoughts could get us high? Strangely, remembering happy events in our lives increases serotonin. On the other hand, thinking negative thoughts decreases it! To remember happy events, you can talk to friends and family, look at photographs, or look through your Facebook feed (as long as you’re not the type to post negative stuff).

What else can give us a high without taking drugs? Share it below!