
5 Reasons Why You Should Travel More Locally

Itching to travel? You don’t need to break the bank or go overseas to do thatโ€”you can start by traveling within this country. The Philippines has so much to offer, after all, not just with amazing travel destinations but with rich natural resources and local produce like fruits!

ย Here are five reasons why you should go now and travel more locally:

5. You learn more about your own country.

Youโ€™ll get to talk to locals and see the different ways of lives in different places when you travel. This way, you learn more about your country, and even develop a better understanding for it.

Where to go: MINDORO

MindoroMindoro beaches/ Photo: Al Amin @altaniameen

Mindoro is not on many peopleโ€™s radar, but its famous dive and snorkeling spots like Coral Garden and their delicious fruits like the green orange, a.k.a dalandan, will convince you to put it on your travel bucketlist. Donโ€™t be surprised if You’ve Dalandan It Again and want to go back to this place over and over!

4. Youโ€™ll rediscover beauty.

There are days when life in this country can wear you out, but thereโ€™s nothing like a quick local travel to make you realize thereโ€™s still beauty here.

Where to go: DAVAO

Mount ApoMount Apo

You can conquer the Philippinesโ€™ tallest mountain, Mt. Apo, check out the Vanishing Island in Samal, or taste the local produce like their mangosteen. Davao has so much to offer that if you need a little help picking where to go, all you have to do is close your eyes and say a littleย Mangosteenie Miney Mo!

3. You see the world better, when you know where you come from.

You develop a better understanding of the world when you’ve been around your own country. Plus, when you meet people whoโ€™ll want to know about your motherland, wouldnโ€™t it be great if you can proudly answer them based on your own experiences? ๐Ÿ™‚

Where to go: QUEZON

jomalig island travel budget Jomalig Island / Photo: Hannah Cepe @hannahcepe

Quezon is home to many amazing beaches and islands ready for your much needed vacation.ย Donโ€™t forget to check out Jomalig Island, surfing in Real, and their markets for the best pomelo you’ll ever taste!ย You’re gonna have so much fun in Quezon, it’ll be hard not to develop a Pomelong & Lasting Love with the province.

2. You #SupportLocal

Traveling local is good for the economy! By traveling local, you support local businesses and even help promote local tourism every time you post something online. See, traveling is almost a social responsibility!

Where to go: PANGASINAN

Sundowners Vacation Villas Bolinao PangasinanSundowners Vacation Villas / Photo: Al Amin @altaniameen

There is so much beauty to be uncovered in Pangasinan, once the crown jewel of the North. Haven’t been to the Hundred Islands? It’s stunning! Plus there are many other things to love there, tooโ€”spelunking, the beaches, the seafood, and their tamarind. Ah, you reallyย Tamarind My Bell, Pangasinan!

1. You learn to love (and care for) your country more.

Traveling local will open your eyes, give you a new perspective, and make you see why this country deserves to be loved. And when you love something, you want to protect and take care of it, which is something our mountains, forests, and animals are currently very much in need of.

Where to go: CEBU

These Barkada Photos at Cebu-Leyte-Bohol Will Give You Serious Travel GoalsCanyoneering at Kawasan Falls / Photos: JM Tubera @jmtubera

Voted as one of the best islands in the world, it would be impossible for you not to fall in love with Cebu…and their sweet, delicious guyabano! Cebu boasts of the triple threat: city, beaches, and mountains that will make you think, โ€œCebu, thereโ€™s Guyabano Body Like You!โ€

Every province and city in the Philippines is proud of something, like their local produce and fruits! That’s whyย Locally Blended Juice Drink,ย the first ever quirky Filipino juice line, is made with uniquely indigenous local flavors sourced from the rich and colorful Filipino soil. Their drinks are all are seriously good, but not seriously named:ย You’ve Dalandan It Again from Mindoro, Mangosteenie Miney Mo from Davao,ย Pomelong and Lasting Love from Quezon,ย Tamarind My Bell from Pangasinan, andย Guyabano-body but You from Cebu.

These Locally drinks are the perfect companion for your travels, too. Don’t forget to pack some for your next adventureโ€”in fact, Locally drinks are now available in bigger, 1 liter packs for more fun and flavor!

Nutri-Asia 5 Reasons Why You Should Travel More Locally

Or do you prefer to travel lightly? Then check out Locally’s P20 You Bente Believe It promoโ€”your favorite Locally flavors in easy-to-carry juice cans, for only P20 each.

Locally Bente Promo

Have we convinced you to travel soon? Don’t forget to bring Locally with you, and see you on the road!

ALSO READ:ย These Barkada Photos at Cebu-Leyte-Bohol Will Give You Serious Travel Goals


Instagram: @locally_ph
Email: locally.ph@nutriasia.com