10 Reasons Why The Couple That Travels Together, Stays Together

5. You get to know each other in a deeper way

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No matter how long you’ve known each other, whether it’s been a year or a decade, traveling allows you to see a different side of your babe you probably would not have seen had you not embarked on a wanderlust. Nothing beats the feeling of seeing the look on your loved one’s face seeing a breathtaking view from a cliff!


4. You know exactly when to depend on each other and when to do your own thing

 None of that clingy, possessive crap when you’re traveling– you’re ALREADY together!! Creating positive experiences together banishes any insecurities you may have about yourself and/or your relationship. So when the bae asks for a few minutes of alone time just so he can take some pictures and enjoy the view to himself, this hardly becomes an issue at all. You know when to be independent of each other, and when to hold on to each other’s arm.


3. You experience freedom together

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 Nothing beats the feeling of the sea breeze in your face, as you stretch your arms out and close your eyes. You don’t give a care in the world and you just consume the wonderful moments you’re experiencing together! Free of the worries and mundane activities back home, traveling takes the stress off of you both, which can also carry a toll on your relationship.


2. You live out your fantasies

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By hopping on a plane or boat, you’re already living out the ultimate goal that most people only dream about, or read in books or watch on TV. Fantasies become reality for both of you, which means that anything is possible as long as you put your heads together, just like in your relationship.


1. You create unforgettable memories together

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The experiences you share together: like climbing the top of Mt. Pulag, or holding a turtle in your hand aren’t just memories you keep for yourself; these are memories to be passed on when your hairs are gray and telling them to your grandchildren.

Planning a trip with your loved one soon?? Where do you plan to take them on a #BAEcation??