Craft Your Forever with These Enchanted Paper Roses!

Photos by Chel Cue
Video by Michael Sy
Written and Crafted by Leez Escalona

Forever is not enough for flowers. That’s why they’re beautiful: you inevitably know that they’ll wither and die like that guy’s hopes in the first Jollibee Valentine’s video. Nobody wants to watch money wilt, especially when it’ll cost your entire allowance or one-tenth of a Coldplay concert ticket.

Enchanted Paper Roses

Enchanted Paper Roses

How about these: paper roses! Aside from showing your bae how much effort you are willing to put in for them, these make for a pretty bouquet for your crush, yourself, or even your dog – if you really love them that much. Follow the video today to get started on folding!

What you’ll need:

Paper, Cutter, Glue, Pencil, Ruler


Step 1: Cut sheets of paper into 1cm strips

Step 2: Take a strip and fold inwards like so

Step 3: then, fold inwards again

from this point on, you’re going to do the same fold over and over

Step 4: fold outward including the tip with the fold

Step 5: roll the first two folds into the third

Step 6: repeat Step 4 and 5 until you finish the strip

Step 7: tuck the stalk under your last fold

Step 8: tuck the last fold into a petal and glue them together

Step 9: cut a Styrofoam ball in half

Step 10: clue the quilled roses on

Enchanted Paper Roses 2

For a special touch, lay out paper over the bottom of a plastic dome and glue the bouquet on!

Here’s a video tutorial to help you out:

Try making these yourself and show us how your paper roses turn out!