
We Discovered This Premium Ice Cream Brand From Korea and We’re Ready for Summer!

Cledor Cover Photo Final

As fans of everything related to K-drama, it’s natural that we try everything we could get our hands on that’s Korean. We love watching their movies (hello, Parasite), reading their books (the ones by Young-ha Kim and Min Jin Lee are faves), and of course, their food. With summer quickly approaching, we’re definitely going to stock up on their ice cream. We trust Binggrae, which makes favorites like Melona, Samanco, Pangtoa, Meta, and The Excellent.

Recently, we got to try an ice cream variant from Binggrae called Clédor. It’s not exactly new (according to our research), but it was our first time to encounter it so we gave it a try. We were curious because the packaging says “truly made premium class.” We were sold.

Our verdict

We found Clédor to be thicker and richer than other ice cream brands we’ve tried. We also love how it’s creamier, making this an indulgent treat now that temperatures are rising outdoors. 

Upon research, we found that Clédor uses fresh milk from Korea and milk chocolate with a higher cacao concentration. Additionally, the ice cream is made through a process called “cold batching,” a slower technique that uses low-temperature processing. This attention to detail, along with its curated ingredients, gives it that flavor and texture that we love so much.

If you’re staying at home this summer, this is the perfect snack to eat while watching your favorite K-dramas.

We got to try all the flavors and here are our thoughts:

Berry Mix

Cledor Berry Mix 5

The Berry Mix has vanilla mix ice cream blended with fruity berry mix syrup and white chocolate. Having this is like eating strawberry shortcake in ice cream form. The berry’s fruity flavor mixes well with the creaminess of the vanilla ice cream.


Cledor Espresso 10 FINAL

The Espresso delivers the rich and deep flavor of milk chocolate blended with the taste of espresso coffee. The balance between chocolate and coffee is perfect and not overpowering. In fact, it tastes like the ice cream form of some of our favorite drinks at coffee shops. The nuts and cookies in the coating gave added texture that made eating this so fun.

Cookies & Cream

Cledor Cookies and Cream FINAL

Clédor’s Cookies and Cream variant has vanilla ice cream, milk chocolate, and lots and lots of cookie bits. Apart from its deep and rich flavor, we enjoyed the crunchy cookie bits. Each bite came with a mouthful of cookies and we noticed that there’s more compared to other cookies and cream ice cream.

Cream Cheese

Cledor Cream Cheese FINAL

The Cream Cheese variant uses premium French cream cheese and you can tell. This variant is thick and creamy, and tastes exactly like the real thing. This may be the simplest in the Clédor lineup but don’t let the plain exterior fool you. It’s packed with a lot of flavor. This is perfect for those who don’t want any of the bells and whistles.

Choco Brownie Ice Cream Cone

Choco Brownie Ice Cream Cone FINAL

Rich chocolate ice cream, chewy brownie cakes, and roasted caramel almond toppings. What more can you ask for? This decadent ice cream cone is bigger than other brands so that makes it worth every peso. We’re in love with the brownie cakes!

Discount offer!

Clédor is available in select supermarkets with a 10% discount on all their products from March 15 to April 15, 2021.

Nextrade Philippines

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nextradeph/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nextradeph/

Binggrae Philippines

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bingsmileph 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/binggraeph/


You can also buy Clédor on Nextrade’s official website www.kpopfoods.com.ph and Viber account: 09157804854 / 09177030873 / 09266568981 / 09175193168.

Nextrade Philippines, Inc. is the official distributor of Binggrae and other Korean goods in the Philippines. Aside from ice cream, Nextrade also imports, snacks, noodles, alcohol, beverages, and personal care items.