WATCH: 2 New ‘Power Rangers’ Teaser Trailers to Get You More Excited

I grew up watching Power Rangers. I was obsessed with it as a child. I had Power Rangers dolls (I still have them, I think) and even had a portable television with me for days I had to go to my computer classes. I would watch in the car on the way home because to miss a Power Rangers episode would simply be the worst thing to happen to me then. I was that kid, you guys.

So, yes. To tell you that this film adaptation of Power Rangers is mighty morphin’ fantastic would be kind of an understatement. I am absolutely elated!

We are only a few weeks away to the film’s premiere, and to excite fans even more, here are two new teaser trailers that give us a further peek into the Rangers’ world:

Take notice of that part where the following line is mentioned: “Ironman or Spiderman?” Are we being hinted on a possible Avengers crossover? What do you think?

Power Rangers hits theaters on March 24.

Do you think the film will be good? Share your thoughts in the comments!