
VP Binay Wants Alden Richards to Play Him in Biopic

VP Binay Wants Alden Richards to Play Him in Movie Adaptation


If there ever was a film adaptation of Vice President Jejomar Binay’s life, who do you think should play the vice president? He has one name in mind: Alden Richards.

According to him, “Sa sine, wala namang imposible, itinutugma kung ano ‘yung kailangan,” (Nothing is impossible in cinema. You just have to make it match.)

When showbiz reporters compared the vice president and the actor’s skin tone and height, Binay answered, “Kaya nabanggit ko [siya] kasi sikat na sikat. Importante sa sine ‘yung sikat na artista para at least may crowd na darating dahil sa kaniya,” (I mentioned him because he’s famous. It’s important to have someone famous to draw a crowd.)

Richards is part of the #AlDub tandem, the Philippines’ hottest love team. In #AlDubMostAwaitedDate, the episode drew 12.1 million tweets.

Binay was also asked if he wanted Maine Mendoza, or Yayadub, to portray his wife Elenita, he joked that he would have to ask her.


Should Alden play Binay in a biopic? Share your thoughts below!