This Is How Virtual Office Helps Start-Up Entrepreneurs Succeed

A lot of entrepreneurs and creatives want to start their own business without breaking the bank. This happens 97 percent of the time, which also sets itself up for failure.


Not to worry, as there is good news for a lot of budding start-up entrepreneurs: there’s no need to shell out money on office supplies, equipment, a receptionist or even actual office space to earn that corporate impression. A virtual office allows small-enterprise owners to operate their business with savvy, like a full-fledged corporation!


Virtual Office saves entrepreneurs and freelancers from the costly expenses of running an office and gives a credible first impression to clients, with its sleek boardrooms and stylish metropolitan location.


As a proof of how vOffice is beneficial to start-up entrepreneurs and freelancers, take a look at global designer Joe Rastrullo, one of vOffice’s success stories. Born in the United States, raised in the Philippines and studied business design in Milan, Italy, Joe Rastrullo is known for bringing a multi-cultural vision to his design aesthetic.

Virtual Office allows Joe to work with a flexible routine, from any location. vOffice also provides Joe the support staff he needs, without actually paying for employees in an actual office.


Rather than meeting clients in noisy and crowded cafés, Joe has meeting and conference rooms within his reach in any vOffice branch, not just in Manila but around the world, giving Joe the global presence he needs. 


To learn more about Joe and his business’ journey to success, Joe and vOffice will be hosting an event this coming March 23rd Thursday at the Fort Legend Tower Event Space. The event will gather design professionals to give them an opportunity to collaborate, as well as empower young creatives and entrepreneurs to connect with like-minded individuals.

To learn more about the event visit or contact vOffice at +63 2 224 2000