
People Are *Actually* Showing Up To Storm Area 51 And ‘See Them Aliens’

In case you forgot, the Facebook event called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us” was initially scheduled for September 20…before it was taken down, of course. The hundred-thousand strong event invited people to raid the infamous military base in search of the aliens rumored to be kept there.

Though it was canceled online, it looks like quite a few brave souls will be carrying the event.

storm area 51 event

(400K People Have Signed Up to Storm Area 51 to ‘See Them Aliens’)

According to reports from the Las Vegas Review-Journala large number of enthusiasts arrived the day before the scheduled raid and set up roadside campsites. There are apparently multiple camps just off the highway filled with a diverse bunch of campers united in their excitement. They are said to be flying a mix of American and alien-themed flags.

‘Immersive entertainment’ company AREA15 announced it will be capturing the efforts of those still willing to make a break for it. They tweeted: “We found a small group who are still going to make a (Naruto) run for it to set the aliens free… and we’re going in with them. Well, our camera guy is at least. #StayTuned”

Even if AREA15’s naruto run doesn’t push through, Storm Area 51 has actually already claimed its first victims. Dutch Youtuber Ties Granzier and a friend attempted to pay a visit to Area 51 last September 10 during the last leg of a vacation. They were swiftly arrested for trespassing as they were inside the protected area of the facility.

What happened to the two Dutch nationals should serve as a strong example for anyone truly interested in storming the government facility. Laura McAndrews, a spokesperson for the US Air Force, told the Washington Post: “[Area 51] is an open training range for the U.S. Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces. The U.S. Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.”

Would you storm Area 51?