
Rights All ­You ­Can by The UP Journalism Club (UPJC)


Do you know all your rights?

Rights All­ You ­Can is a human rights literacy campaign which seeks to encourage Filipinos, especially college students, to take an active role towards human rights education. The two­ week series of activities will culminate with a forum that will tackle human rights, its legal bases, and how its reportage in the media.

It is the right of everyone to know their right, and to know when and how to assert them.

The UP Journalism Club (UPJC) launched an online campaign to advocate human rights. Key to the campaign were statements culled from the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, alongside the hashtag #RightOfTheDay.

A special tag came for each day of the week:#MyRightsMonday, #ChooseDay, #WillfulWednesday, #TungkulinThursday, #FreedomFriday, #SentientSaturday and #SovereignSunday.

Twitter users were able to take part in the online action by using the hashtag #KarapatanKoNa.

Rights All ­You ­Can will culminate with a forum on Sept. 20, Friday at the College of Mass Communication Auditorium at the University of the Philippines Diliman. The event is free­for­all.

A powerhouse cast of speakers will enlighten and educate the audience regarding pertinent human rights­related issues. They are: Ana Elzy Ofreneo, Education and Research Office Director of the Commission on Human Rights; Atty. Edre Olalia, Secretary General of the National Union of People’s Lawyers; and Benjie Oliveros, Managing Editor of Bulatlat.com.

Collaborating with the Commission on Human Rights and various organizations from leading educational and non­governmental institutions across Metro Manila, UPJC aims to census the pulse of the students in order to foster and encourage them to know and use their rights for the good.

For inquiries, you may contact Camille Hernandez at 0917.887.6352 or leave a message at

Rights All ­You ­Can by The UP Journalism Club (UPJC)