Premio Bar: From Farm to Fork

When In Manila, weeks ago, me and my friends decided to dine at Premio Bar and Restaurant for some fine dining Filipino cuisine.

premio-f1 (1)Premio Bar Overview First Floor

Premio Bar and Restaurant: An Overview

Premio Bar and Restaurant is easily spotted since it is located at the corner of F1 Hotel. Considered as one of the Filipino fine dining restaurants here in Manila, Premio Bar serve dishes whose ingredients come straight from their farm to their kitchen. From cheese to peanut sauce to egg to bacon, they see to it that they follow their way of curing and making  ingredients, serving their original version of popular Filipino dishes. 

premio-f1 (16)Premio Bar Overview Second Floor

On the second floor of Premio Bar are their bar tables and their small entertainment stage. It is where they usually hold small events every Fridays depending on the theme they come up with by the week.

premio-f1 (17)Premio Bar’s Bar Area