‘Mindhunter’ Season 2 is Coming in a Few Weeks!

Agents Holden Ford and Bill Tench are at it again! If you missed the FBI duo, then we got good news for you–the second season of Mindhunter is coming in a few weeks!

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In season 1 of the crime thriller, we witnessed how investigators from the 70s–a time when criminal psychology and criminal profiling were still new–tried to understand serial killers. Among the real-life criminals featured in the first season were Ed Kemper and Jerry Brudos. In season 2, we can expect the agents to cover the Atlanta murders of 1979-1981 as revealed by co-executive producer David Fincher in a previous interview.

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Mindhunter season 2 will come to the small screen in August 2019. Who’s excited?

What do you think about the announcement? Let us know your thoughts by commenting below!