Kevin Garnett Shares an Update on His Bid To Buy the Timberwolves

A lot of people consider Kevin Garnett to be the best player of the Minnesota Timberwolves ever. The Big Ticket has provided the NBA with rim-wrecking dunks, stellar defensive prowess, passion-driven hustle plays, and fire-burning energy while playing for the Brooklyn Nets, Boston Celtics, and Minnesota Timberwolves. After his retirement in 2016, Garnett had planned to expand into ownership. Unfortunately, his quest to purchase partial ownership of the Timberwolves has come to an end.

Kevin Garnett

Photo from

In an Instagram story, Garnett announced, “Sooo… just got the news that this process in trying to acquire the T-Wolves is over for me and my group.” He also seemed to throw some shade at current owner Glen Taylor by saying, “Thanks, Glen, for being yourself and what I know you to be. Good luck and all the best with what we built.” According to The Athletic, Taylor had reportedly failed to honor an agreement before wherein Garnett would contribute to the franchise’s decision-making process. This led to Garnett calling Taylor a “snake” last year.

He continued with, “Guess it’s time to focus on other places.” with the hashtags Seattle and Vegas. “Crazy that some of these special players that helped build these franchises like a home but can never own them, only rent them. Your loss. Keeping mine moving, and we still out here looking. Still going. It’s all possible.”

Kevin Garnett bid Timberwolves

On the upside, it looks like Garnett doesn’t have any plans to give up on his quest for league ownership. Here’s to hoping another team recognizes all that he has done for the NBA and gives him that chance.

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