
Jason Magbanua at the Ayala Museum discussing Wedding Videography and Event Film Making

When in Manila, I get to be inspired by some of the most creative and artistic minds in the country!ย Immortalize the happiest day of your life with Jason Magbanua at the Ayala Museum


It’s wedding month again and there’s been a buzz among the brides to be, allย becauseย of a certain guy named Jason Magbanua, who creates the best wedding videos on Earth. Jason Magbanua is one of, if not the, best wedding videographer ย / event film maker the country has ever seen.


I first heard about Jason, through a lecture I had with cinematographer Raymund Red. Almost everyone from my class was hyped about “Jason Magbanua” and kept talking about his wedding videos. I on the other hand didn’t know squat. So the first thing I did when I got home, was to research about this guy including what he does, and why he does it. From then on, I was a fan. His videos always make me cry, make me want to get married, or inspires me to make a video just as awesome as his. Since then I knew who he was and what he does.


I soon found out that he was going to have a talk at the Ayala Museum on June 18 and quickly contacted Spike Acosta to reserve me a seat.




As I entered the venue, I was greeted with loads of people at the registration area, all in line to get their stub and freebies from Power Mac.





It was the usual museum setting, quiet, dark, and cold. The talk started off great and I know all Jason Magbanua fans present would attest to that. I learned that his first ever job was teaching, and he did that for 5 years, which explains why his talk was never boring at all! He was so animated and funny that I was all ears the whole time. I admire how he puts his heart into every wedding video he makes. It is true that during weddings, there are no second takes and no cuts; so every single shot has to be precise and exact.


He has been doing this for almost 11 years and seeing him speak made me feel that his love for his craft has never faded,. He still continues to amaze and surprise us with his SDE (Same day edit) videos. Best of all, I finally learned why he does all this: for his family and simply for the love of it.





To cap of the lecture, Canon and Power Mac raffled gift certificates and a compilation of Canon lenses in a collectible hard bound book. Apparently, I was so unlucky that day that I didn’t win anything BUT they still gave away goodie bags to everyone who attended, it had a Power Mac USB, a notepad, and some stickers.

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When In Manila, check out my favorite spot: theย Ayala Museum, which is one of my favorite places to find creative people and get inspired to be the best person I can be.



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Jason Magbanua at the Ayala Museum discussing Wedding Videography and Event Film Making

Check out the their other programs; study, learn and get inspired! Visit the Ayala Museum at:

Makati Avenue cor. De La Rosa St. Makati City Philippines

Telephone: 7577117-21

email at: museum_inquiry@ayalamuseum.org