
Janica Nam Writes Touching Post to Late BF and Hashtag Member Franco on 30th Monthsary

“Maybe it’s not about the happy ending. Maybe it’s about the story. I miss you a lot today,” model Janica Nam wrote in an Instagram post last week celebrating her supposed 30th monthsary with her late boyfriend Franco Hernandez who grew to fame for being a member of all-male dance group Hashtag.


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It has been one and a half years since Franco died in a drowning incident during a trip with Janica and friends at Davao Occidental.

Janica has consistently posted one photo of Franco every month since then, composing sweet and heartfelt messages addressed to him every single time.

“Hey cutie! How are you up there? I hope you’re okay. Happy 19th in heaven. Missing you always my angel,” she wrote for their 19th monthsary post.

“When I post about my loved one, it is not to get sympathy, it is to keep their memory alive,” she said on their 18th.


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According to one of Janica’s friends, Franco had been planning to propose to her before his untimely death in November 2017. He was 26.

(LOOK: Artist’s Beautiful Illustrations Perfectly Capture the Tenderness in Relationships)

BRB, trying to hold back tears :'( What are your thoughts and reactions to this?