
Hero’s “Malay Mo” is an Awesome Song to Inspire You This 2023

Hero Malay Mo

Photo / Universal Records Philippines

Who knows what’s in store for us in the future? What’s important is you’re living as the best version of yourself and you strive to be better all the time. That’s what “Malay Mo” tries to explain to everyone.

This banging rap track from Hero featuring Ramdiss motivates everyone to overcome the odds in spite of experiencing a not-so-good past. The way they spit bars is genuine and they deliver every word with utmost clarity. The young rapper painted vivid imagery of motivation here. Because who cares if you have bad days? Who knows, you’re steps away from triumph, you just have to get it.

Watch the lyric video below:

Malay mo may rason kung bakit lugmok ka ngayon / Malay mo dito sa lupa ay may iba kang misyon / Malay mo hindi mali ang iyong pagdedesisyon / Baka hindi mo lang gusto kung anong meron ka ngayon,” Hero says on the song’s chorus.

Malay Mo” wraps up Hero’s wonderful year as a rising rap artist and for sure he has more in store this coming 2023. Stream it now and don’t get left out.


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Universal Records Philippines

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