
Breaking Point 2016: The Annual Parents and Teachers Camp in the Country is Back!


Each year October has always been busy for Global Surge. Global Surge brings the annual first gigantic and extraordinary Parents and Teachers Camp in the country, “BREAKING POINT 2016.” This event focuses on strengthening our community through leadership, character and moral value development. Each batch accommodates minimum of 1,200 participants that stay overnight. Transportation, lodging, complete (yearly awaited) program, and all meals are included in the project. Various high schools, universities, SK officials, churches, parents, and teachers joined the event. Parents and Teachers Camp 2016 begins this October 13-28, 2016, with 12, 000 wage earner participants from greater Metro Manila and nearby North Luzon provinces invading “The Highlands Campsite, Iba Zambales.”

As a proof of support, our official camp FB fan page which was just launched 4 years ago has now reached more than 59,000 likes and counting. Through our programs over the past 20 years, we have served over hundreds of thousands of young people and professionals of the Philippines.

For more information about Parents & Teachers Camp 2016 you may call 910-2922 or visit, https://www.facebook.com/globalsurge.camps / Https://www.facebook.com/MMI.camps.