
Boy with Heart Condition has Been Waiting 10 Years—Let’s Help Him Get His Surgery!

“Any good samaritan out there?”

Dr. Raymund Redor opens his post with this question. In his Facebook status, he shared photos of his patient Allen, who has a heart condition. Raymund has known Allen, who is now 17, all his life. Allen is his patient. “Until now he is waiting at the Philippine Heart Center. Waiting for more than 10 years simply because they couldn’t afford it!” Raymund writes.

See the post Raymund shared on Facebook below:

The complete post reads:


Allen has been my patient since he was 4. He is now 17. Friendly; full of spirit. BUT He has a hole in his heart : Tetralogy of Fallot. That is why his skin is dark, nail bed and lips purplish; lack of oxygen; underweight . And these are just the tip of the iceberg!

Until now he is waiting at the Philippine Heart Center. Waiting for more than 10 years ????simply because they couldnt afford it!

He needs surgery. He needs our help.

Pls re post and share this until God touches this good samaritan.

pls contact me at drrayredor@yahoo.com

Do you have the means to help out this young boy? Or know someone who does? Let’s help Allen get that surgery he’s long been waiting for! Help spread this article; let’s help a young boy this Christmas. <3

Thoughts? Hit us up in the comments!