
Beyond Animation 2023 Bangkok: Check Out this 17-Day Animated Film Festival 

If you love movies like Disney, Pixar, and more, this one’s for you. Beyond Animation 2023 is a 17-day animated film festival held across Thailand including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phayao from 28 September to 14 October 2023.

What is Beyond Animation 2023?

(c) Pexels | Check out Beyond Animation 2023.

(c) Pexels | Check out Beyond Animation 2023.

It’s a momentous event presented by the Embassy of France in Thailand and the Thai Animation and Computer Graphics Association (TACGA) in collaboration with The Japan Foundation Bangkok and Thai Film Archive.

There will be movie screenings, professional seminars for students, round tables with filmmakers, creative workshops for the general public, and off-line sessions with French experts.

The main goal of this festival is to raise awareness and foster a deeper appreciation of animation in all of its diversity. At the same time, it’s also for creating regional, collaborative efforts to elevate the craft for professional and emerging artists—both local and international alike.

What films can you watch at Beyond Animation 2023?

You can expect 12+ feature films and 30+ short films to be aired during this period. You can watch movies such as Little Nicholas: Happy As Can Be, Everybody Loves Jeann, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, and many more.

(c) Pexels | Enjoy this animated film festival in Bangkok!

(c) Pexels | Enjoy this animated film festival in Bangkok!

Where can you watch these films?

Prepare to laugh, cry, and be at the edge of your seats at these theaters:

  • House Samyan
  • Doc Club & Pub
  • SF Cinema/Emprive Club
  • Alliance Francaise Bangkok
  • Alliance Francaise Chiang Mai
  • Muangthongrama Phayao

For schedules, you can go to the theaters’ Instagram account and website.

There will be a pitching session for aspiring animated filmmakers, where one team will get to participate in the South East Asia Regional Workshop along with teams from Malaysia, Philippines, and Vietnam. The chosen team will be mentored by three French experts.

The goal is to put a spotlight on Thai artists and let their talent be known on a more international level.

It’s truly an exciting festival for everyone. For more information, you can go check Sawasdee France‘s Instagram account.

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