Here’s Why Liza Soberano Sounded Different in “Trese”

Have you watched ‘Trese’ yet? We’re incredibly proud of this Filipino production and have been actively following people’s opinions on the cast and the show. To be honest, we were pleasantly surprised when we first heard that Liza Soberano was cast to voice the lead role of Alexandra Trese. By the time we watched the anime on Netflix, we were even more surprised to hear that she didn’t sound like the Liza that we all know.

Liza Soberano 3

In the show, Liza puts on a different, deeper voice so when we got the chance to interview her before the release of the series, that was the first thing we asked her about. Apparently, the main reason why Liza changed her voice is that she didn’t want people to hear her or imagine her while watching the series. “As with any character I portray, I try to differentiate them and try to make them as different as possible,” she explains.

She also admits that she never really paid much attention to her voice prior to ‘Trese’. “I now have a deeper appreciation for it after dubbing ‘Trese’ because it takes so much emotion and energy and technique to be able to change your voice and to be able to create a character with just your voice,” she shares.

liza soberano trese

Still, Liza really enjoyed dubbing it despite having a hard time at first. As we all know, her voice is normally high-pitched and she really had to learn how to bring her voice down and be able to speak with her chest rather than her throat, which she usually does when she talks. We give her major props for taking on something new and doing her best to give justice to the role.

What did you think of Liza’s portrayal in ‘Trese’?

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