LOOK: You can now check how much you’ve spent on Grab this year

The end of the year is a time to think about regrets, mistakes, and plans for the future. It’s also the time to track how much you’ve spent over the last 12 months. Some people might be responsible enough to have tracked expenses religiously but let’s be honest — most are not.

One of Filipinos’ most used apps, ride-sharing app Grab, recently came out with a tool to show you how much you’ve spent on Grab services over any given amount of time.

Check out the site here. It leads you to a login page that will ask for your mobile number to confirm the account. It then sends a verification code to your phone for you to input. Once entered, it leads you to the “ride history” page of your account.

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The site shows you the total amount of trips as well as the details of each one. To get the total amount spent you’ll have to download the statement in either PDF or CSV form. It’s only a few simple clicks, but If you’re a frequent user of the app, the result might shock you. Are you really ready to find out how much you’ve spent on Grab in a year?

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Share your horror stories of Grab splurges with us in the comments!