Thinking About Confessing To Your Crush? This Twitter Thread Will Tell You Why You Definitely Should

Confessing to your crush isn’t exactly something that normal people would jump at instantly. A crush confession would normally entail countless hours of weighing the pros and cons of such a momentous decision, hyperventilating at the thought of a rejection, mapping out all the possible results, and ending up with a non-confession.

The possibility of a rejection is probably one of the main reasons why confessing your feelings to your crush is definitely a no-no to a lot of people. But what about all the other reasons that prove that it’s actually a pretty good idea?

Twitter user @LalakengLindsay started a thread of tweets on why we shouldn’t be shy of confessing our feelings to our crushes. The said thread has already been retweeted more than 1,500 times!

He actually has more than 25 reasons, and here are a few of them:

Think of the possibilities! But it’s best to think of the better ones.

The possibility of the friendzone is honestly better than nothing at all.

At least one of you will be happy.

Keep up, friend!

Better do it now that prolong your agony!

Confidence is key!

Take that chance!

Life will go on!

@LalakengLindsay shares with that he preaches to himself, and of course, he follows his own advice. He says that rejections will always be a possibility, but a blooming relationship is possible as well.

If you do decide to confess, perhaps having a backup plan to fall back on would also be handy.

(READ: LOOK: This Flawless Backup Plan Will Let You Confess Your Feelings To Your Crush Fearlessly)

Well, there you have it. Happy confessing! 😉

Do you have more points to add to this thread? Share it with us!