FUNNY: Job Applicant Mistakes Potential Employer For Someone Else

We’ve all had our share of mis-sent texts and embarrassing texting mistakes but this has got to be one of the funniest ones. When Caila Arceo recieved a message from an unknown number saying “Hi Marie Caila!,” her immediate response was; “T**** i** buong buo ah!” Of course, it turns out that the message was from a company she applied for:

job applicant mistakes employer

Source: Caila Arceo

But, don’t worry! It seems that the company is taking it very well, based on their Facebook post:

job applicant mistakes employer 1

Source: Stratworth Solutions, Inc.

I guess Caila still has a shot at that job!

job applicant mistakes employer 2

Source: Caila Arceo

You go, girl! Go get that job!

What do you think about this?