13 Things You Must Do When You Visit Peru

Peru is a melting pot of ancient cultural traditions which are as wide-ranging and varied as the types of landscapes within it. Why is Peru a particularly attractive location for Filipino travellers to explore, though? Firstly, there’s an amazing contradiction between the familiarity we feel in the cultural and historical similarities of Colombian colonization and incredibly unique and beautifully bewildering native traditions. Add to this that we can get up to 183 days free Visa on Arrival in Peru and it becomes a must-see country on every Filipino’s travel itinerary.


13 Things You Must Do When You Visit Peru


13. Ride an old-style Peruvian Combi! They are everywhere!

 13 Things must do when visit Peru

13 Things must do when visit Peru

12. Watch Peruvian women dance in their traditional clothes.

 13 Things must do when visit Peru

11. Visit the alpacas and llamas.

 13 Things must do when visit Peru

13 Things must do when visit Peru

13 Things must do when visit Peru

10. Visit Lake Titicaca, the biggest lake in South America (the other half of it extends up to Bolivia).

 13 Things must do when visit Peru 22

13 Things must do when visit Peru 22

13 Things must do when visit Peru 22

13 Things must do when visit Peru 22

9. Try to eat CEVICHE

 13 Things must do when visit Peru 22

8. Go to a small town called Paracas which is 4 hours away from Lima. Take a day trip to the Ballestas Island National Reserve and you will see a very rare penguin species aside from sealions and a lot of birds!

13 Things must do when visit Peru 22 

13 Things must do when visit Peru 22

13 Things must do when visit Peru 22