WATCH: A Closer Look at the Magnificent Sea Creatures When Diving in Malapascua

Ally Landes, a French film maker and photographer, shares the following words on her Vimeo:

If seeing Thresher Sharks (Alopias pelagic) are on your bucket list, then Monad Shoal in the Malapascua area in the Philippines is the perfect place for you. The Monad Shoal cleaning stations are known worldwide as the one place in which divers can consistently see the unusual and rare Pelagic Thresher Sharks.

We received an invitation from the Philippine’s Tourism Board to go on over in July and discover some of their dive sites’ treasure troves. It turns out their dive sites are more about macro than anything else.

The short video that she made showing all the magnificent sea creatures she encountered on her dive in Malapascua just shows how rich and diverse the marine life that area in the Philippines has.

Haven’t tried diving yet? Allow Ally’s video here to convince you to finally go. The sea awaits. Watch:

Have tried diving in Malapasuca before? Tell us about your experience!