In every journey we make, there would always be obstacles and drawbacks. People would often tell us to not push things further. Even if we flourish in our crafts, there would come a time when they would tell us that this is as far as we go – that we have somehow reached the limit, the end. There is nothing more. In UP Statistical Society, we believe otherwise. For 33 years we have gloriously lived by our beliefs of service and excellence, and we don’t intend to stop anytime soon. We pour our hearts in the things we do as we continue to promote awareness and enhance interest in the field of Statistics. UP Statistical Society continues to break bounds and surpass standards. For our 33rd anniversary, UP Statistical Society and John Robert Powers bring you INFINITE: Beyond measure. Beyond limits.

Now on its 33rd year, UP Statsoc has lined-up events and activities throughout the semester that will help in meeting its goals: extending the reach of Statistics to the youth today and giving a loud difference in the UP School of Statistics community, the whole University, and different sectors of the country. The week-long anniversary celebration our dear organization will be celebrating with the following events: Outreach Program, Grand Pakain, Anniversary Party, and 28th Annual Stat-Is-

Eeks, an inter-university quiz show for non-Statistics majors. This year, the organization aims to make this more prestigious through the participation of more universities from all over the country. Through these projects, UP Statsoc hopes to create an impact not only in the Statistics community but also in the Philippine society.


We’re beating the norm. We’re taking you somewhere new. We’re giving you an aberrant kind of experience. Come and join us in celebrating our 33rd Anniversary on September 22 – 27! This will not only cater to all the members but also to our alumni, applicants, participants from different universities nationwide and to anyone who would want to celebrate with us! See you! Stat WHAT? STATSOC!