Barangay Elections 2013: Let Us Be Vigilant

Barangay Elections

Barangay Elections 2013: Let Us Be Vigilant


When in Manila, the upcoming Barangay Elections 2013 demands no less than vigilance and accountability for each and every one of us.

Traditionally, the night before the elections is the perfect time for gapang operations (distribution of grocery items, alcoholic beverages and cash in exchange of votes by the candidates). But, the prohibition against vote buying and vote selling still stands amidst all the colors and merrymaking. Let us not sell our votes. Let us remember that our collective votes determine the leaders who will serve us for the next three years.

LENTE is one with the nation on October 28, 2013 in protecting our votes. Election violations should never be tolerated. We encourage everyone to report these violations for Barangay Elections 2013.

For Election law violations When in Manila, please report to LENTE.

Photo above from Philstar.






Twitter: @lente_ph




Barangay Elections 2013: Let Us Be Vigilant