Philippine Day Hikes – Mt. Nagsasa with Trail Adventours

Mt. Nagsasa’s legendary exposed and hot trails were nowhere to be experienced though, as we were very fortunate to have cool winds most of the way. The summit is accessible after reaching a ‘shoulder’ along the trail; the way up is steep and some participants chose to stay at this photo-op area. Some of the more adventurous ones took the extra challenge and went all the way up to the summit, for a gorgeous view of the secluded but beautiful Nagsasa Cove.

mt nagsasa trail adventours

mt nagsasa trail adventours

mt nagsasa trail adventours

mt nagsasa trail adventours

mt nagsasa trail adventours

mt nagsasa trail adventours

mt nagsasa trail adventours

We then proceeded down, a quick downhill section followed by flat terrain. We went from exposed trails to a dry riverbed; the ‘crossing’ showed us just how difficult it would have been to cross this area had it not been the dry season! In just a couple of hours, the terrain change was in the extremes: mountains behind you and sandy beach in front. We spent several hours lounging around the beach, and many took a dip in the ocean.

mt nagsasa trail adventours

Trail Adventours arranged for boats to pick the team up from Nagsasa Cove, to bring us to Pundaquit where the private vehicles were waiting. It was a one-and-a-half hour boat ride through slightly choppy waters; it was an added adventure for most of us as we were sprayed by the ocean. It was a time to admire the beautiful coastline of Zambales and marvel at the scale and beauty of our very own Philippines.

mt nagsasa trail adventours

Mt. Nagsasa (traverse to Nagsasa Cove) has a difficulty rating of 4/9, meaning it’s a good first or second hike for many people. Please make sure you’re wearing proper clothes like technical or athletic shirt (no cotton tops and bottoms), adequate sun protection (hat and sleeves), proper shoes (trail runners are great here, but hiking shoes are even better), and of course, plenty of water and snacks.

Get in touch with Trail Adventours and book your first hike with them at Mt. Nagsasa!

Philippine Day Hikes – Mt. Nagsasa with Trail Adventours

All photos and footage are owned by Jason Cruz. More content at and

License – CC: Attribution, non-commercial.

Transparency disclaimer:
This hike was generously sponsored by Trail Adventours.