Study Says This Is How Much Filipinos Need To Earn To Be Happy

Time and time again, we have been told that “money can’t buy happiness”. However, a recent study by Expensivity claims that every country has a ‘happiness premium’.

philippines money peso bills

The study used purchasing power ratios from the World Bank along with local cost-of-living to calculate the price. While the Philippines isn’t in the top 10 countries with the highest or lowest prices of happiness, we’re on the lower end when compared with the rest of the world.

According to Expensivity, our ‘happiness premium’ stands at $28,264 (around Php1.37 million). That’s roughly a monthly income of Php114,167. Check out the rest of the happiness premiums across the rest of Asia and Oceania here:

Expensivity Happiness Premiums Asia e1616146041164

Photo from

So… are you happy? 😉

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