These glowing mushrooms are lighting up the forest, for real!

Japan is known for a lot of things and mushrooms may be one of them. From enoki to shiitake, the country really knows the deal with mushrooms. Still, even with their massive love for mushrooms, these glowing variant in Wakayama truly stands out.

The hato-no-hi mushroom is now blooming in Western Japan and it is lighting up the forest.

Every summer, The hato-no-hi mushroom comes alive in forests in certain parts of Japan. People living in Western Japan can witness as this green glowing fungus reaches its peak luminescence this week.


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2020.5.20、久しぶりの投稿です❗️. コロナウイルスが世界中で発生し、日本国でも緊急事態宣言が発令されインスタ投稿を自粛しておりました。 . ようやく和歌山県も緊急事態宣言が解除されましたのでボツボツと投稿をして行こうと思います。 まだまだ油断はできない状況なので、皆様、三密を避けて気をつけてくださいませ。 . では、早速の投稿です❗️. すさみ町で光るキノコ(シイノトモシビタケ)が出てきていると連絡があり、すさみ町の方から写真をいただきました。 キノコがキレイに光って幻想的ですね?. . キノコの生育場所は種の保存のため、乱獲されてはいけないので秘密にしておきます。 ご理解くださいね?. . #すさみ町 #光るキノコ #シイノトモシビタケ #和歌山県 #南紀 #水の国わかやま #なんきつーりずむ #marine #mountain #river #beautiful #nanki #wakayama #susami #karekinada #insta_wakayama #visitwakayama #nagomi_wakayama #nanki_tourism_co

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(Rough translation: It’s been a long time since I posted. Coronavirus has occurred all over the world, and in Japan, an emergency declaration was issued and I refused to post on Instagram. Finally, Wakayama Prefecture has also released the emergency declaration, so I posted it as soon as possible. It’s still a situation where you can’t be on your guard, so please be careful. I was informed that a shiny mushroom (Shiinotomositake mushroom) was coming out in Susami Town, and I got a photo from Susami Town. Mushrooms shine beautifully and are fantastic. The place where mushrooms grow is a conservation area, so it should not be overharvested, so keep it secret. Please understand.)

The hato-no-hi mushroom is scientifically known as Mycena lux-coeli. Oftentimes, they are referred to ‘forest fairies’ due to their bioluminescence that is dispersed in the forests of Ugui in Nachikatsuura, Wakayama prefecture.

The mushrooms are challenging to find during the daytime because they only grow to 1cm-2cm in diameter. However, when night falls, they can be easily spotted. They typically grow on old trees and soft ground.

(Rough translation: Forest mystery / Wakayama. There are few shining mushrooms, but it grew in a cute place.)

This mythical-looking fungus was first found in Hachijojima, a subtropical island that’s part of Tokyo prefecture, back in the 1950s. Later on, the mushroom was spotted in various parts of the country.

Every summer, mushroom enthusiasts travel even in the deep parts of the forest to find these mushrooms. However, since domestic and international travel is still restricted this year, only locals might get a chance to see them up close. Don’t worry, maybe next year you’ll get to see them in person.

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