A viral math problem popped up and started a heated Twitter debate about PEMDAS and it trended

The internet never fails to entertain.


Is your answer 16 or 1? This brings back elementary memories of teachers aiding us with PEMDAS which stands for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. It’s a tool we use to solve equations in an orderly, mathematically-correct manner.

So why is it that even with this tool that all of us have collectively burned into our minds, we can’t reach a consensus on what this equation’s answer is?


Many are claiming the answer to be 16 while others are adamant that it’s 1. Both technically followed PEMDAS but there are more nuances to the acronym than we think.

While multiplication does come before division in the acronym, they’re usually grouped together more like this: P-E-MD-AS. So they’re on the same tier, technically speaking, and whichever comes first in the equation should be solved first. Which would lead many people to 16.

However, people are claiming they were taught otherwise and that M comes before D for a reason. A few people even tried it on their scientific calculators and got 1. Following the order of operations strictly brings people to 1.

I’m no math expert so I just watched it happen. Either way, the internet is mad and it’s bringing some quality entertainment for us watching.









In the words of Marie Kondo: I love mess.

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