FUNNY: This guy is most definitely “discombobulated” by what his girlfriend said!

Often, when we’re upset, we can’t find the right words to say. We’re overwhelmed with emotions or are just too angry to want to confront anyone. Getting someone who’s upset to talk is always a challenge, especially if they’re trying to give you a vocabulary lesson!

This guy was trying to talk to his “GF na palaban” to apologize after a misunderstanding. While trying to convince her to talk to him, she sends him a long message and he goes quiet because now he’s overwhelmed–with her language! And even though she’s mad, we couldn’t help but have a laugh at his reaction!

Our hearts jumped when we read “I need time,” too. But it turned out he needed time to whip out his dictionary! We hope that her patience didn’t run out as he was hunting definitions!

There’s one good thing we can get from this misunderstanding: A word of the day. Everyone together: Dis-com-bo-bu-late. Very good!

We are hoping for the best for this hilarious couple as well as more vocabulary words and fewer arguments. Stay strong you two!

What do you think about this? Let us know!