WATCH: Best Man Sings His Speech and Brings Everyone to Laughter and Tears

For many, the walk down the aisle would be their favorite part of weddings. And a little trick? Don’t just look at the bridelook at the groom, too! Watching the expression on their faces as the love of their life walks up to them in that white dress is everything. And I agree. But, personally, there is a moment in weddings I love the bestthe speeches.

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You know, the part where best friends of the couple get to roast to them and they can’t complain even though this would probably be one of the most important days of their lives? Yes, that one. Jokes aside, though, what I love about the speeches is that this is where we hear about the stories behind the scenes. The stories of love.

As is the case in this video by social media personality Daniel Buccheri, who not only gave a speech at his brother’s wedding, but actually sang it. Yup, piano and all. The “speech” goes back all the way to his and his brother’s childhood, the moving out, the meeting the girlfriend, and ultimately, the falling in love. The song goes back full circle in the end, and all ties up in a nice, riveting story of brotherhood and true love.

Get your tissues ready! Watch the full “speech” below:

What part of the speech did you like most? Tell us what you think about this video in the comments!