
Youth In Design: World Industrial Design Day 2016

World Industrial Design Day was initiated by the International Council of Societies or Industrial Design (ICSID) in 2007, an event held annually on June 29 which celebrates the profession of Industrial Design. Designers and enthusiasts from both industries and academe are given the chance to come together to interact and share ideas in hopes that this will uplift the design standards of all who attend the event.

Youth In Design: World Industrial Design Day 2016

For two years now (2014 to 2015), De La Salle-College of Saint Benildeโ€™s ID program through the Benildean Industrial Designers (BInD), the programโ€™s official student organization, has invited students and faculties from other design institutes to celebrate World Industrial Design Day with us. Last year, a total of nine schools participated, namely: University of Santo Tomas (UST), Mapua Institute of Technology (Mapua), National Council of Industrial Designers of the Philippines (NCIDP), Bohol Island State University (BISU), University of the East (UE), Miriam College (MC), Philippine Womenโ€™s University (PWU), University of the Philippines (UP), and Technological University of the Philippines (TUP). Through WIDD, our design community had an opportunity to interact and share ideas with people from the other institutes. As a result, everyone was able to expand their networks, open their minds to different ideas, and grow as designers.

This June 29, 2016, the ID community in De La Salleโ€“College of Saint Benilde continues to reflect the ideologies of the international event by hosting the World industrial Design Day celebration with the theme Youth in Design. This event also coincides with the programโ€™s 25th Anniversary capped by the Industrial Design Alumni Homecoming on July 1 at the Benilde SDA Cafeteria, and the Copenhagen exhibit on Green Cities from June 23 to August 7, and the Benilde SDA Amphitheater.

It will be a week-long event from June 27 until July 1, 2016. Industrial design students from our school along with the students from other institutes will have the opportunity to showcase their best works and talents in design through our campus exhibit. In addition to this, we will be holding seminars and workshops which will feature renowned designers from different fields to share their success stories, perspectives in life and design, and what they have to say for this yearโ€™s theme.

The Benildean Industrial Designers (BIND) is a student organization that works together to inspire the design community as a whole. We do this by hosting various events which promote awareness of Industrial Design. It includes immersing ourselves with the different fields of design related to our course in hopes of aiding future designers to choose which field they will specialize in in the near future.

For updates and inquiries, you may like us at:
Facebook: BInD https://www.facebook.com/BenildeanIndustrialDesigners
Facebook: BS-IDย  https://www.facebook.com/BenildeIndustrialDesign

With media partner, WhenInManila.com